We take safety seriously
With a growing attention on Vision Zero initiatives across the country, PY's focus on safety is more important than ever. We understand that achieving the goal of zero serious roadway injuries and fatalities requires the expertise of people who are passionate about safety and qualified to make safety-related recommendations. To that end, we've built a studies team with a focus on safety, including two certified Road Safety Professionals (RSP), three Professional Traffic Operations Engineers (PTOEs), one PhD, and a team leader that is currently serving as FDOT District Two's In-House Consultant for Studies Services. Our traffic studies services include traffic operations studies, safety studies, concurrency and permitting studies, planning studies, and maintenance of traffic analyses. Each type of study we prepare includes an analysis of the roadway system, an identification of appropriate mitigation measures, and a summary of recommendations.
Our experience with traffic and safety studies includes signal warrants, operational improvement studies, lighting justification studies, corridor studies, speed studies, no-passing zone studies, advisory curve speed studies, trip generation, site circulation studies, evacuation Route Plans, contra flow plans, shuttle bus operations, traffic data collection, pedestrian and bicycle safety studies, ADA compliance surveys, mid-block crossing analysis, bicycle lane evaluation, Safe Routes to School (SRTS), school safety and traffic calming, high accident location studies, and sight distance analysis. Our experience with traffic impact studies includes Planned Unit Developments (PUDs), large and small scale residential, industrial parks and office parks, commercial centers, mixed-use developments, redevelopment, and recreation, school, and religious facilities.